College kids and their parents are having a tough time of it financially, and it’s going to get a whole lot worse with government cost-cutting, I’m afraid. Public colleges have always been the low-cost alternative to private schools (such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford), but the words “low-cost” don’t really apply any more.
The tuition paid by students at public colleges, even after state and institutional grants and scholarships, climbed 8.3% last year, the biggest jump on record, according to stats from the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (that’s a mouthful, even if you abbreviate it to HEEOA). Here are maps that show how students in your state fared.
Quite true and quite scary. I have two daughters in college presently and like most parents with college age kids, it is not getting any easier. I hope these colleges will find ways to lower tuition and other costs for the students. As a parent, I need all the help I can get. Thank you Ginita. Looking at the maps drives it home for me.