WIFE Editor

The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA®)

The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA®) is the premier national organization dedicated to the education, certification and use of financial professionals during the divorce process. Their Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®) Program is designed to prepare divorce professionals as experts on the financial aspects of divorce. For many clients, divorce represents the largest financial […]

The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA®) Read More »

Hispano Collaborative Professionals (HCP)

We are pleased to introduce you to Hispano Collaborative Professionals (HCP), an inspirational Cool New Friend of WIFE.org, Hispano Collaborative Professionals (HCP) is a unique Florida-based practice group of interdisciplinary professionals fluent in both English and Spanish, dedicated to assisting families in navigating major life-changing events with peace, respect, and dignity. The group consists of

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What Are I Bonds and Can They Protect Your Retirement Savings from Inflation?

If you’re currently retired or approaching retirement, you’d probably prefer to protect your savings from risky investments. However, investments considered “safe” also tend to offer dismal returns. When inflation kicks into high gear, it can quickly eat away at the value of your retirement savings. Is there any way you can get the best of

What Are I Bonds and Can They Protect Your Retirement Savings from Inflation? Read More »

Top Ten Low-Cost Tips for Cleaning and Changing Your Home After Divorce

If you are coming out of a rough divorce, then spring cleaning is the perfect time to physically and metaphorically scrub away all the lingering bad memories of your marriage. Rooms, objects, and even décor all have the ability to absorb meaning, emotions, and memories. Walking into your bedroom may remind you of the fights

Top Ten Low-Cost Tips for Cleaning and Changing Your Home After Divorce Read More »

Don’t Overlook Your Spouse’s Retirement Plan During a Divorce – Understanding the QDRO

Divorces are complicated, and it’s easy to focus on making sure you get a piece of big assets, like the house, your investment accounts, and the vehicles. Don’t overlook the retirement accounts! Retirement accounts can represent a huge asset, but many spouses don’t think about them, especially if retirement is 10 or 20 years away.

Don’t Overlook Your Spouse’s Retirement Plan During a Divorce – Understanding the QDRO Read More »

Justice for Jenny

WIFE.org is humbled and honored to consider  The Justice For Jenny Foundation a friend of WIFE.org and Second Saturday Divorce Workshops. The Justice for Jenny Foundation raises awareness about domestic violence as a means towards prevention, and campaigns to end the cycle of violence that plagues generations. Through partnerships with other like-minded charitable and educational

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Stick to These Five Money Truths No Matter What Happens in Washington

Washington is a chaotic place these days, and a lot of political promises are throwing pundits into a tizzy (though, to be fair, they’re kind of always in a tizzy). Big new bills are being alternately praised by one political party as “needed change,” while the other party cries “major disruption.” While it may seem

Stick to These Five Money Truths No Matter What Happens in Washington Read More »

Family Law Software

Software for Divorce Professionals Dan Caine, CEO of Family Law Software, is a long-time friend of WIFE.org and Family Law Software is by far the leading program specifically for divorce professionals nationwide. Thousands of divorce professionals use it to help their clients calculate child support; prepare financial forms for the court; value defined benefit pensions;

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How to Afford a Major Medical Expense If You Don’t Have Health Insurance

Let’s just cut to the chase. The health insurance landscape is a mess. Many Americans still don’t have health insurance and find themselves facing financial ruin when facing an unexpected medical event in their lives. For Americans who don’t receive healthcare coverage through work or for the many Americans who are self-employed, health insurance may

How to Afford a Major Medical Expense If You Don’t Have Health Insurance Read More »

What Can You Do About Domestic Violence During the Pandemic?

  Unfortunately, domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse, relationship abuse, and intimate partner violence), is a reality for many women and even some men within their relationships and marriages. It is also a common factor in divorce. As much of the United States has gone into lockdown as a result of the coronavirus pandemic,

What Can You Do About Domestic Violence During the Pandemic? Read More »

Barbara Huson

Barbara Huson, a long-time friend of WIFE.org, is a leading authority on wealth building. For over 20 years, Barbara has been empowering people to take charge of their money and, in turn, take charge of their life, to help them create the wealth they desire and the life they deserve. Click here to find out

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Health Savings Accounts May Be the Greatest Investment Vehicle You’ve Never Heard Of

Buying health insurance is smart for your health and for your finances, but a high deductible health care plan could prevent you from getting the care you need. There is a solution, and it comes with a lot of great bonuses. If you’ve never heard of a Health Savings Account (HSA), then keep reading. Not

Health Savings Accounts May Be the Greatest Investment Vehicle You’ve Never Heard Of Read More »

What Professional Women Can Learn From Sofia Vergara About Leadership

“JAAAY!” If you are a fan of the Emmy award winning show Modern Family, then you are already familiar with actress Sofia Vergara who plays the beautiful and vivacious Gloria. You have also likely seen Vergara’s face on ads for CoverGirl, Diet Pepsi, and State Farm just to name a few. Vergara isn’t just a

What Professional Women Can Learn From Sofia Vergara About Leadership Read More »

Six Things You Need to Do If You Want to Buy a House Next Year – Part 1

Are you looking to become a homeowner sometime next year? Congratulations! This is a really big step, especially if this will be your first home. If you are like the vast majority of Americans, then you don’t have a couple hundred thousand dollars lying around in your savings account. That means you’ll need to convince

Six Things You Need to Do If You Want to Buy a House Next Year – Part 1 Read More »

Understanding Women Investors

Tips for Marketing to Women Provide consistent and regular communication. Make frequent telephone contact. That will show her that you are concerned about her and her financial well-being. Return her calls promptly. Visit her in her home or office. By going to her rather than always having her come to you, you will get to

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KPBS San Diego: WIFE co-founders Ginita Wall and Candace Bahr

Women’s Financial Health ? KPBS Transcript Expand Women and their Money_ Ginita Wall and Candace Bahr Appearance on KPBS San Diego Today a report by the California Budget Project and the Women’s Foundation of California found women have not shared equally in California’s ongoing economic recovery. Here with a snapshot on women’s financial health are

KPBS San Diego: WIFE co-founders Ginita Wall and Candace Bahr Read More »

How Alimony Is Taxed

The sweeping tax bill signed by President Trump in December 2017 includes major changes that are sure to affect every American when tax day arrives. For those considering a divorce, one provision in particular could mean thousands of dollars saved or lost each year. The Alimony Reversal According to the Census Bureau, roughly 243,000 people

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How to Afford a Major Medical Expense If You Don’t Have Health Insurance

Let’s just cut to the chase. As of the writing of this article, the health insurance landscape is a mess. More and more Americans are losing coverage as insurance providers continue to pull out of markets across the country. For Americans who don’t receive healthcare coverage through work or for the many Americans who are

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Ten Ways to Save at Christmas Without Looking Like a Cheapskate

You don’t need to check your January credit card statements to know that Christmas always has a way of wreaking havoc on your finances. According to the American Research Group, the average American plans on spending $992 on Christmas gifts alone in 2018. That doesn’t even include holiday decorations, ugly sweaters, and all the food

Ten Ways to Save at Christmas Without Looking Like a Cheapskate Read More »

Why You Should Educate Yourself About Divorce Before Taking the Plunge

The decision to get a divorce will be one of the biggest and most consequential choices of your life. Your divorce will directly impact your finances, your quality of living, the lives of your children, and your own emotional health. Maybe you’ve already decided that a divorce is the right choice for you, or perhaps

Why You Should Educate Yourself About Divorce Before Taking the Plunge Read More »

Understanding Social Security Survivor Benefits After Divorce

Here at WIFE, we have written several articles about the huge Social Security benefits women can receive if they were married to their husbands for at least ten years before their divorce. When you reach retirement age, you are eligible to receive benefits equivalent to 50% of your ex-husband’s Social Security benefits if that amount

Understanding Social Security Survivor Benefits After Divorce Read More »

5 Investing Resources For Women

WIFE.org Co-Founder Candace Bahr was featured in an article by Bankrate You can read the complete article here. Women’s Equality Day is Aug. 26., but many women are still being paid less than men. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) reports that women are paid 80.5 cents on the dollar compared to men. The inequality is

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SmartCoparent is re-imagining the way families, co-parents and professionals collaborate. Launched in 2018, SmartCoparent is the new full-featured co-parenting platform developed to instantly enable smarter collaboration and improve people’s lives. With SmartCoparent, individuals, families and professionals can automate child visitation schedules, expense sharing, documents sharing, messaging and support payments to reduce a wide range of

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Five Things You Need to Know About Filing Your Taxes After a Divorce

Tax season !!!  (Anyone hear the Jaws theme suddenly start playing in the background?) If you are either in the process of getting divorced or got divorced last year, then you may be facing a totally different tax situation than you are used to. Take care! You don’t want to accidentally lose out on some big new deductions

Five Things You Need to Know About Filing Your Taxes After a Divorce Read More »

Moving in With Your Sweetheart

Many couples are moving in together before they get married. Deciding to live together is a big step in any relationship. It generally means you’re seriously thinking about commitment, but you want to do a little more investigating before taking the plunge. Though it can seem romantic to merge your finances as you merge your

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Why You Should Definitely Apply for that Dream Job Even If You Don’t Meet All the Qualifications

You’re browsing a job website looking for a new career, and bam! You see it. Your dream job is right there, almost within your grasp. You eagerly click on the job description, your heart pounding in your chest. As the screen loads, you can already imagine yourself swaggering into the office on your first day

Why You Should Definitely Apply for that Dream Job Even If You Don’t Meet All the Qualifications Read More »

Are You Ready to Finally Start Your Emergency Savings Fund? Take the 21-Day Savings Makeover

If you got a bill for $387.81 right now, could you pay it off without using your credit cards, begging family members, or taking out a payday loan with a huge interest rate? It just so happens that $387.81 is the average cost of a car repair when the check engine light comes on. If

Are You Ready to Finally Start Your Emergency Savings Fund? Take the 21-Day Savings Makeover Read More »

Eight Big, Game-Changing Ideas to Finally Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt This Year – Part Two

If you thought we proposed some pretty big ideas to pay off your credit card debt this year in part one of this series, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. We’ve saved our biggest, boldest, and most serious ideas for this article. If you’ve got thousands of dollars in credit card debt to pay down, you

Eight Big, Game-Changing Ideas to Finally Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt This Year – Part Two Read More »

Eight Big, Game-Changing Ideas to Finally Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt This Year – Part One

You’ve got credit card debt, and you hate it! Maybe a snapped timing belt in your car (and the huge bill that followed) sent you into a credit card spiral, or you lost your job, or you simply have a habit of swiping now and worrying about the consequences later. Whatever the reason, your credit

Eight Big, Game-Changing Ideas to Finally Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt This Year – Part One Read More »

Why You Should Definitely Never Try to Hide Assets During a Divorce

Understand the Penalty for Hiding Assets During a Divorce You feel angry. Betrayed. Frustrated and furious. Divorce rarely brings out the best in us and oftentimes reveals our inner monsters. This is especially true if abuse and/or infidelity are part of the equation. Nonetheless, you may be obligated to hand over a significant amount of

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Five Easy Steps to Budget and Save Like a Financial Wizard on a Fluctuating Income

Working for yourself or on commission has a lot of upsides. You might get to work in your comfy flannel PJs, or perhaps your job allows you to spend more time with your kids or earn more than you ever could staring at a cubicle all day. Of course, self-employment or the sales life isn’t

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Waiting for Election Results is not an Investment Strategy

This election season has been interesting to say least, but some things never change, including the leading candidates from both parties predicting dire economic consequences if the other is elected. As we listen to the rants of the various politicians, are there any useful political trends that we can consider as investors? Will the person

Waiting for Election Results is not an Investment Strategy Read More »

Can I Go After My Husband’s Stock Options and RSUs in a Divorce?

In the past, stock options were primarily an award for a company’s top management team. In the past few decades, however, stock options and RSUs (Restricted Stock Units) have become a much more common employee incentive, and the National Center for Employee Ownership estimates that “since the late1980s, the number of people holding stock options

Can I Go After My Husband’s Stock Options and RSUs in a Divorce? Read More »

Who’s Paying For College? Part Three: Finding a Middle Ground for College Costs

College…it’s expensive. No, really expensive. The sticker price even for an in-state public school can still reach $24,000 a year or more according to CollegeData.com! The question of how to pay for a child’s higher education or even if you should is one that every parent must face. In the previous two articles in this

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Who’s Paying For College? Part Two: The Case for Paying for Your Child’s College Costs

Parents, no doubt that if you had Bill Gates’s money you wouldn’t think twice about paying for your child’s college costs. You might not even mind if your child announces that she wants to double major in philosophy and the history of dance. If you aren’t one of the roughly 1,800 billionaires in the world,

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Who’s Paying For College? Part One: The Case Against Paying Your Child’s College Costs

On the surface, paying for your child’s college seems like a no-brainer. We all know that a college degree is practically a requirement these days to make it into the middle class and that a lack of a degree may bar your child from most careers that don’t include a fast food uniform. As a

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What You Should Be Doing to Plan for Retirement – Your 60s and Beyond

Part Five in Our Retirement For a Lifetime Series When you blow out your candles on your 60th birthday, you will be tantalizingly close to the traditional retirement age – 65. Of course, traditions change, and many Americans are reaching this important milestone with big financial worries. According to the Federal Reserve, the median retirement

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Candace Bahr: InvestmentNews “Women To Watch”

WIFE.org and Second Saturday co-founder honored by InvestmentNews Candace Bahr, owner of Bahr Investment Group, an LPL Financial-affiliated firm in Carlsbad, Calif., has made a profound impact over her 35-year career not only on her clients, but also on thousands of women across the U.S. About 26 years ago, some of her divorced and widowed clients approached

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Five Things You Probably Haven’t Done but Should to Integrate Your Retirement Accounts into Your Estate Plan

Your retirement accounts, including your 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs), are likely to be your most significant assets along with your home. While you may think you’ll need every bit of money in those accounts for your retirement, what would happen if you die at an early age? Not fun to think about,

Five Things You Probably Haven’t Done but Should to Integrate Your Retirement Accounts into Your Estate Plan Read More »

Five Preventable (and Expensive) Mistakes Almost Every New Investor Makes

When you first start investing, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily rollercoaster of the stock market or to give into your urge to “beat” the market by trading stocks on your own. However, study after study shows that the majority of investors would be best served by investing their money into plain

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If You Sold Investments Last Year, You’ll Need to Figure Out Your Cost Basis for Tax Time

If you sold stocks or mutual funds last year, hopefully you made a tidy profit (whoo-hoo!). Of course, Uncle Sam wants his cut of the profits, which are considered capital gains. The tax you owe will depend on your income bracket and how long you’ve owned the investments. If you owned them for a year

If You Sold Investments Last Year, You’ll Need to Figure Out Your Cost Basis for Tax Time Read More »

Southern NH Money Club offers financial ‘support’ for women

By BARBARA TAORMINA New Hampshire Union Leader Correspondent The Southern NH Money Club is part of a growing group of clubs throughout the country inspired by the Women’s Institute for Financial Education, WIFE.org, the oldest existing non-profit organization dedicated to financial education for women. Mary Murphy has been making financial management decisions since she was a

Southern NH Money Club offers financial ‘support’ for women Read More »

Planners Get Cash to Take Second Saturday Divorce Workshop National

By Ann Marsh Financial Planning Magazine A 25-year-old divorce workshop founded and run by two planners in San Diego has received funding from a former attendee to enhance its website, with an eye to going national. “We recognize not everyone can get to a workshop,” says Elizabeth Bryan, outreach coordinator for the Second Saturday workshops,

Planners Get Cash to Take Second Saturday Divorce Workshop National Read More »


Considering lending your children money for a down payment, or co-signing a mortgage? Here’s a helpful article for parents on the options available to them to help their children to purchase a home. It’s from our latest Cool New Friend, MortgageLoan.com. The website has other great articles about mortgages and financing, along with many different

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Should Kiplinger’s “Favorite Funds” Be Your Choices?

For several years now, the Kiplinger Personal Finance magazine has put together a selection of mutual fund recommendations it calls the “Kiplinger 25.” This is a portfolio of 25 no-load funds, in five different categories, that it considers to be of top quality. This portfolio, which also appears on the Kiplinger.com website, is fairly static,

Should Kiplinger’s “Favorite Funds” Be Your Choices? Read More »

Attracting Women Clients: First, Identify Their R.E.A.L. Needs

WIFE.org co-founders Candace Bahr, CEA, CDFA and Ginita Wall discuss the importance of women’s R.E.A.L. needs in a recent article featured in Horsesmouth. Excerpt: Women need financial advisors, and advisors need clients. Women hold more than half the wealth in this country and are projected to hold up to 63% by 2020. Because women have

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Is your teenager looking for a summer job? Are you looking for employment? Job-Applications.com is a central resource where you can research jobs available and download applications for major employers. In addition to hundreds of printable and online applications for retail stores, department stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, restaurants, shops, etc., you’ll also find tips for putting together

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The Spending Strike

Sarah Baker, a long-time member of WIFE, along with her husband and children, took on the challenge of a month-long spending strike. They paid their mortgage, utilities, and insurance but cut out all other spending. Keeping track of what they would have spent, the Bakers discovered they had saved nearly six hundred dollars that would

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Local Heroes: WIFE Co-Founders Honored by Union Bank and KPBS

As part of its ongoing commitment to cultural diversity and responsible banking, and in celebration of Women’s History Month, Union Bank, N.A., has partnered with KPBS to honor three extraordinary San Diegans for the 2013 Local Heroes program. The 2013 Women History Month honorees are: Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall and Amina Sheik Mohamed. As

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San Diego U-T: For Love and Money

Love and money can lead to disaster if couples don’t consider finances together. A recent survey put money disagreements as the top reason couples argued, ahead of arguments about children, chores, work or friends, according to a survey by Harris Interactive and the American Institute of CPAs. Divorce.com puts financial problems at the top of its list

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Job Hunt started 14 years ago to help job seekers and career explorers. Check out the section that gives descriptions and salary and employment stats by career as well as locale and watch videos about those careers.

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A career resource  from CityTownInfo.com, is called CTI Career Search . We particularly like Career Stories, a collection of real-world career descriptions on more than 200 different occupations written by people working in each profession.

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Millionaire Corner: An interview with Candace Bahr

Women Have all the Characteristics for Successful Money Management This article originally appeared in MillionaireCorner.com (July 2, 2012) When Candace Bahr hears about a new survey that found that the gender financial literacy gap is widening, she asks to hear the particulars before commenting. And when she hears the particulars, she laughs. Bahr, the managing partner of

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Del Mar Times: A 25-Year Tradition Helps Wipe Away Drama of Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most isolating, stressful processes a person can go through in their entire life. Along with the emotional toll from a dissolution of a marriage, there are a variety of important factors and decisions that need to be made, many of them difficult. Fortunately for North County residents, for the

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Are your kids saving savvy? We are always looking for resources that will help you and your family improve your finances. Our latest Cool New Friend is KidsSave, a kids’ savings and money management program designed for ages 6 and up. With KidsSave software, kids can record deposits and withdrawals, parents can record allowances and

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TIP$ — Turning Ideas Into Profits

TIP$ (Turning Ideas Into Profits) is a mid-life women’s business community providing information, education, support, and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in their late 40s and beyond. When women join the TIP$ community, they have access to special benefits that include a 65-page business startup guide, an online discussion forum, a comprehensive Resource Center with

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Are you a Boomer? Eons believes that life that begins at 50, and they are there to help you to live the biggest life possible—through articles, interviews, how-to lists, books, and recommended Web sites (including WIFE.org!). If you are ready to start thinking about your unprecedented opportunity to travel and explore, to re-invent your career,

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Smart Mom Solutions

If you are a busy working mom, Smart Mom Solutions provides practical ideas for the real challenges you face today. Every Smart Mom product is designed to save you time, effort and help you stay connected with your children, school, caretakers, family and friends. Visit Smart Mom Solutions to place your order now!

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Do Something offers a free financial education program for young people. They have lesson plans that families can use at home, plus an online game that lets your kids make smart money decisions as they play out their future adult life. Visit Do Something.

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Candura Group

Dan Candura is a special friend to WIFE.org and the Money Clubs. A talented and engaging speaker who specializes in ethics training for CFP® professionals, Dan served on the Board of Directors of The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. and is a past Chair of the Board of Professional Review. Dan’s ethics training

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What We’ve Learned So Far

After well over 25 years at the non-profit Women’s Institute for Financial Education (WIFE.org) we find that we’ve learned a lot. Here are some of the things that experience has taught us about investing. Saving a little can mean a lot. If you save $5 a day for your entire working life, you can retire

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Living Dangerously: The Lies We Tell Ourselves about Disability Insurance

Do you have disability insurance? Many of us don’t. A survey by The Consumer Federation of America and The American Council of Life Insurers found that 82% of people do not have long-term disability insurance or believe their coverage to be inadequate. One-third of working adults say that their families could only live for three

Living Dangerously: The Lies We Tell Ourselves about Disability Insurance Read More »


Looking for a new approach to having fun with your finances? Try Payoff.com, a new site that uses your dreams to inspire sound money management—with a little help from your friends. Payoff is free, and it helps you get your friends involved as a financial support system, so you are more likely to reach your

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Financing Your Home In Today’s Economy

Appraisals are costlier, and the results less favorable. Many would-be home buyers are receiving lower-than-anticipated appraisals on desired properties. Appraisers now will count only comparative property sales during the last three months. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are requiring appraisers to complete additional research and reporting, and many appraisers are charging more for this extra work. Loans

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Eating Broccoli

Do you hate eating broccoli? Elyssa Pallai, Web Strategist and Mom does, but she knows it’s good for her, so she eats it anyway. And she knows that sound money management is good for her bottom line, which is why she created the blog Eating Broccoli, which is about principled, practical money management tips for women.In

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“I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” Oh yeah, right – but this time, it’s really true. Check it out! MyMoney.gov is the U.S. government’s website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. Whether you are buying a home, balancing your checkbook, or investing in your 401(k), the resources on

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DailyWorth is a free daily personal finance email for women. They deliver practical tips, empowering ideas and the occasional kick in the pants. Sign up for your free daily dose of financial reality, and read some of the past blog posts.

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Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself by JibJab.com is a fun and entertaining way to design e-cards and videos of you and your loved ones. Here, you can customize your very own e-cards, birthday cards, Christmas cards, funny videos and so much more. Get ready with some good pictures of you and the favorite people in your life and get

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Money Wi$e Women Get Smart

Money Wi$e Women Get Smart is a monthly educational series that empowers you to listen and learn at your own pace through free teleseminars on a variety of topics such as investing, credit reports, eliminating credit card debt, organizing your records, goal setting, time management, estate planning, tax tips, taming your money fears and much more.

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DailyWorth is a free daily personal finance email for women. They deliver practical tips, empowering ideas and the occasional kick in the pants. Sign up for your free daily dose of financial reality, and read some of the past blog posts.

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We are always looking for resources that will help you improve your finances. Our latest Cool New Friend is LendersMark.org. The website has great articles about mortgages and financing, along with 20 different loan and credit card calculators to help you make informed financial decisions.

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Having a birthday? Maybe getting older has an upside, after all. Visit our Cool New Friend and get something free, just for having a birthday. The goodies featured at FreeBirthdayTreats.com aren’t limited to freebies for the kids — adults and even pets can receive enticing birthday freebies. You’ll find free dinners, golf, movies, skiing and spa treatments just

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Debt Collection Answers

Juggling bills can be stressful enough. But when collectors are harassing and threatening you, your stress level can become more than you can handle. Gerri Detweiler and Mary Reed are nationally known consumer advocates, and their goal is to help you understand how to deal with debt collectors. Can’t find the answer you want at

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CTI Career Search

If you are looking for a new job or exploring career options, we have two Cool New Friends this month to help you out. Job Hunt started 14 years ago to help job seekers and career explorers. Check out the section that gives descriptions and salary and employment stats by career as well as localeand watch videos

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The Dollar Stretcher

As the holiday season approaches, visit our friends at The Dollar Stretcher to see their practical information and thousands of money-saving concepts to take control of your money. We especially like their article on creating a simpler less stressful Christmas. You can also sign up for their free e-newsletters.

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Gal Time

Want to stay savvy, informed and connected? Visit our cool new friends at Gal Time. For more than a dozen years, the team at GalTime.com has been writing and producing dynamic text and video content for television and the Internet. They know what Gals want to see and read when it comes to health, beauty, fashion,

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Budget Smart Girl

Meet our cool new friend, The Budget Smart Girl , whose Guide to the Universe offers hints and tips about saving money on just about everything from food to hair color. You can also subscribe to her monthly newsletter featuring more tips, news about companies offering promotions and coupons, reviews, recipes, and how to go green and

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Remember the game called I Spy? It was the way parents occupied bored children on a road trip before portable DVD players. At ISpyJoy.com you can join Michele McKeag Larsen on her life-long journey of I Spy Joy. She’s chronicled places where joy is found, compiling a gallery of words and images from all over the world.

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Having difficulty in this economy? So many people are. Here’s a great resource we’ve found, BreakFreee.org. This non-profit’s goal is to reach out to disadvantaged women in need of financial assistance and advice, and provide the answers and resources that they need. They reach out to widows, divorcees, single moms, seniors and low-income women – anyone

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Mom Invented

Do you have a great idea for a new invention? MomInventors.com was founded to help women realize their dreams by providing tools and resources to guide and inspire entrepreneurial success. Whether you need guidance, or wish to share experiences with like-minded entrepreneurial women, you can join the free community of Mom Inventors and take your next steps toward success.

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We’ve heard all kinds of excuses to avoid writing a will. “I’m too young.” “I don’t own enough to need a will.” “Everyone know who should get what I own.” But the truth is, without a valid will, it’s up to the probate court to determine how your assets are passed along after you die.

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eRideShare.com is a not-for-profit FREE service for connecting commuters, or travelers going the same way. With more than 12,000 commuter listings in the US and Canada, we hope that you’ll find this service a good way to commute or travel inexpensively, and maybe even make a few friends.

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Divorce Survival Guide

 Expert on a mission to help women handle money By Patty McCormac San Diego Union Tribune CARMEL VALLEY – Ginita Wall hands out bumper stickers that read: “A man is not a financial plan.™”  It’s not that she dislikes men. This is one of the ways she gets her message across that women need to

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Candace Bahr Gets Top 10 Honor

Helps Educate Women on the Financial World Financial planner Candace Bahr has been named one of the top 10 “Most Outstanding Brokers” in the country by Registered Rep., a national financial trade publication. The magazine article on the choices said the  brokers it picked “are adding new clients, showing positive returns and generating healthy fees

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