What’s all this I hear about Money Clubs?
Money Clubs are an incredibly successful new way for women to get together to achieve their money dreams and support each other on their journey to prosperity.
It’s completely free, non-fattening, and will even give you an excuse to hang out with your friends.
You and five to ten of your friends will meet regularly to learn how to get out of debt, jumpstart your savings, teach your kids about money, and all of that other cool stuff that will turn you into a Money Star.
What’s a Money Star?
A Money Star is a money-savvy gal who has her finances under control. She doesn’t stay up nights worrying about her bills or her investments-she’s a woman with a plan. Attending Money Club meetings and working through the Money Zones will help you to become a Money Star too! 🙂
What’s a Money Zone?
Money Zones are topics of money management, like debt, investing, retirement planning, and so forth. As your Money Club completes each Money Zone, you and your friends will move forward along the path toward becoming Money Stars. Here’s a list of the Money Zones.
Is this an investment club?
The Money Club is so much more than a narrowly-focused investment club. Investment clubs center on — you guessed it — investing. If you want to develop a list of stocks to buy and sell, that’s the place for you.
Money Clubs help you learn about all aspects of your financial life. Money Clubs help you deal with your money dreams (and fears), and the financial issues in your everyday financial life-debt, savings, insurance, and the like.
What does it cost to join a Money Club?
Money Clubs are absolutely free. You might wonder how we can do this. We Money Guides volunteer our time and expertise. In addition, the Money Club has received help from the educational arms of some major corporations, including VISA and General Electric. Through their generous support, they join with us in our powerful mission, to change the way women deal with money.
How do I start a Money Club?
All you need to do is gather together a group of friends or colleagues who are interested in improving their financial lives. You can begin with as many people as you feel comfortable with, and add more people as you progress.
Starting a Money Club is very easy. Just read the instructions.
What does a Money Club do?
Your Money Club will meet regularly to explore financial topics such as debt, savings, and retirement planning, called Money Zones. Here’s a list of the Money Zones. At the meetings, you will learn about and discuss these financial topics and support your friends in moving away from their fears and toward their financial goals.
The Money Club is yours. You can meet whenever and wherever you want. You can do the Zones in any order you want, and your Money Club can stay as long as you want in any Zone. Amazing things will happen as you move through the Money Zones, step by step. The Money Club is a great way to share your progress on your journey toward financial freedom.
I don’t know much about finances — can I join a Money Club?
The less you know about money, the more you need a Money Club. You don’t need to know what a bond is or the price/earnings ratio of General Motors. You don’t even have to have your own checking account. All you have to have is motivation in your heart to improve your financial life. Everyone can succeed and prosper in the Money Club.
If you want to make a change, to be less worried about money and move toward your dreams, the Money Club is for you. No one in the Money Club will be judgmental about your financial knowledge or lack of knowledge. The whole point of the Money Club is to explore your money issues and learn the skills you need to improve your financial life and the lives of your loved ones.
As you learn in the Money Club’s safe and nonjudgmental environment, you will be surprised at how rapidly you progress and how you can inspire and encourage others in the Club as they deal with their financial issues. Amazing things happen in the Money Club!
I know a lot about finances — can I join a Money Club?
No matter how much you know about finances, you can still benefit from learning new money skills with your friends. You can check out the Money Truths and Dreams Questionnaire to see what areas you might like to explore further-or to shore up any weak spots you might need to address.
Money Clubs are totally flexible. If you want to just focus on the advanced stuff in your Club, go for it! If you want to do a mix of easy and hard stuff, that’s okay too. Money Clubs have something for everyone.
Can men join a Money Club?
Only if they behave themselves — just kidding. 🙂
Actually, anyone can benefit from the Money Club. Men can form their own clubs or join co-educational clubs.
Can I do the Money Club readings and exercises without actually joining a Club?
Sure — it’s easy. You can use the Money Truths and Dreams Questionnaire to decide which Zones you want to work on first. Then download the Zones and work through them at your own pace.
If you decide to go it on your own, rather than joining a Money Club live and in person, you’ll be missing the power of the group focus and interaction that magnifies the benefits. There is no substitute for the encouragement and support of your friends in achieving your goals. If you try it solo, you can always join a club later.