You might be happily married, or divorced, or you may find yourself somewhere in between. Or perhaps you have a friend or family member going through divorce. Divorce touches almost everyone’s life, at some point. As devastating as divorce can be, it is also a time for growth and new opportunity. Icebreaker If your parents […]
Money Zone: Divorce
For most women, divorce is the largest single legal and financial transaction of their lives. Divorce isn’t just about the legalities. It’s also about these three things: family, emotion, and money. A successful outcome for divorce depends on managing all of them. Let us tell you about the 12 Financial Pitfalls of Divorce, so you can save yourself a lot of hassle and heartbreak in the future.
Divorce: Avoiding the Pitfalls
A bit of advance planning goes a long way. Before you begin divorce proceedings, take steps to prepare for what lies ahead. When you divide property and income, each of you will have only half of what you had before, or perhaps less. If you don’t have your own regular income, you will need money […]