A little extra money never hurt anyone, especially if you want to save up for a vacation, pay down your credit card debt, or catch up on your retirement savings. Of course, you could always grab a part-time job, but maybe you don’t have the time for a steady gig or you don’t want to add a second boss into your life. So, here are ten easy ways to make some extra change on a schedule that works for you.
1. Mow Lawns/Clean Pools/Shovel Driveways
If you don’t mind a little manual labor, take on the jobs that your neighbors don’t want to do or don’t have time to do. They’ll be glad to pay you to mow the lawn, clean the pool, or shovel snow from the driveways if you are responsive and do good work. Start by asking friends and neighbors and then ask for referrals. Your little side business will grow quickly.
2. Pet Sitting/House Sitting
Do you love all things with feathers, fur, or scales? Many adoring pet parents don’t want to leave their pets in a big pet daycare while they go on vacation or on business trips. If you have a big heart and don’t mind a little slobber, pet sitting is a great way to get lots of cuddles and make money. Allergic to cats or dogs? Try house sitting!
3. Tutor
What was your favorite subject in school? Do you still know enough that you can impart your wisdom to the next generation? Parents are always looking for ways to help their kids stay ahead in school. Offer your services as a private tutor or see if any local tutoring businesses need your help.
4. Coach/Instructor
Do you love playing the piano? Are you an amazing artist or an unbeatable hot dog eating champion? Somewhere, someone wants to learn the skills you already have, and they’d be willing to pay you to teach them. Advertise your skills and then start training the next great hot dog eating master.
5. Uber Driver
You knew this one would show up, right? If you want to make some extra money in your free time, then you should definitely consider joining the gig economy. Whether you jump onto Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, or any of the other myriad personal chore gig sites, this can be a great way to make some extra cash in your community with total flexibility.
6. AirBnb
Do you have an extra room in your home that no one uses, a granny flat, or an RV in the yard? Then it’s time to put that space to work. AirBnb and personal rental sites like it let you earn money by renting out your spare bedroom or that vacation home that’s sitting empty most of the year. You can control when your room is available and set pricing. Check your local ordinances to make sure it’s allowed.
7. Mock Juror
How about earning $200 a day or more just to listen to a mock court case and deliver your verdict? Big law firms can’t afford to take chances with the cases for their top clients, which is why they’ll try out their legal strategy in a mock court before the real thing. A mock court needs mock jurors, which is where you come in! Try sites like eJury.com, JuryTest.net, and OnlineVerdict.com to start your “legal career” today.
8. Event Staff
Event coordinators and big event locations always need reliable people on reserve to call up when they book a big event. You can earn some tidy tips as an event waiter or even more as a bartender. Just by showing up on time and acting polite and professional will put you on the top of plenty of call lists. Start by Googling “catering jobs” and your zip code.
9. Rent Out Your Parking Spot
If you live in a crowded downtown urban area, your parking spot could be a little gold mine if you don’t need to use it. Maybe your neighbors have an extra car they need to park and would be willing to “rent” your spot from you each month. If you don’t want to give your spot away for that long, consider renting it on a nightly basis to tourists or during big events. Apps like Parqex or Curbflip can help you get your mini real estate empire started.
10. Rent Out Your Clothes
Maybe one of the reasons you need some extra cash is that you love to splurge on designer clothing, handbags, or jewelry. Rather than selling off your beloved pieces, how about renting them out? Apps like Closet Collective lets you rent out nearly everything in your closet.
Get Creative
Hopefully, this list has given you some great ideas to make some extra cash in your free time. As you begin earning extra money, put it to good use. If you just spend it, all that hard work will have gone towards nothing. We encourage you to focus on paying down debt, building a rainy-day fund, saving for retirement, and investing extra money so that it can start earning for you.
Need help learning to budget, cut costs, and save so you don’t need to work in your free time? Then, when you aren’t making extra money, grab a few pals and start your own Money Club.
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