With almost a million people visiting our WIFE.org and MoneyClubs each year, it is not unusual to get emails from people like Sharon, who contacted us last year. She wrote, “I am interested in changing my mind about money, and attracting it to me effortlessly. I want to live a life filled with wealth and prosperity, a life of freedom”.
Positive action is the key to building wealth, and positive thoughts can propel us forward, but we thought that Sharon’s magical wishing didn’t fill the bill. We embrace the underpinnings of the Law of Attraction principle popularized in The Secret, and the Think and Grow Rich
concept developed by Napoleon Hill has withstood the test of time.
So we encouraged Sharon to augment her positive attitude with action. Sharon admitted that she’d received that advice before. After a bankruptcy in 2000, she worked hard to reestablish her financial life, and finally was able to purchase a home. But then she relapsed, and now found herself once again mired in debt.
Recently Sharon wrote again. She had tired of waiting for prosperity to find her, and had finally signed up for the free 21-day Debt Makeover program at Money Clubs. The daily steps and action plan that were emailed to her each day became the wakeup call she needed. Reluctant to contact her credit card companies, she did it anyway, and was thrilled with the result. “A miracle happened!” she wrote. “Two of them reduced their interest rates, and two deleted late fees. My highest rate was 34%, and they said that if I could pay 20% of the balance, which was $200, they would reduce the interest to 6%! This was an answered prayer. Thanks to your program, and my willingness, I can now BELIEVE anything is possible!”
Although Sharon still struggles with every spending choice she makes, she has been able to increase her income with two home-based businesses. “I am an independent travel agent for AAA of Carolinas,” she wrote, “and I use a portion of my commissions to give back to the community. I also have an art business: I burn spiritual sayings onto wooden hearts, using leather and feathers to hang and decorate them, and sell them through local stores.”
She ended her most recent email by saying, “Thank you so much for your commitment to helping people like me! The seeds you are planting will return a great harvest!”